Two Great Designs by Jin-Wook Hwang

The Sound from Wind is an analog musical flute that can be used to make music while riding a bike. The device simply attaches to the handlebars of the bike. As you ride, the wind passes through the chambers and a sound is generated. Similar to a flute, the sound if completely analog. There are also additional button attached to each of the two chambers on the bike that allow you to play different musical notes. This is done by adjusting the air that flow through the chambers them selves.

I think this is an absolutely amazing idea. I would love for someone to pick this up and produce this design so that I can buy it for my bike. Similar to how you can adjust the amount of wind that flows through the chambers to adjust the pitch, you should also be able to adjust it so that no sound is emitted at all. Yet even though this is not a digital device there should still be an off mechanism.
The same artist, Jin-wook Hwang from Seoul, South Korea, also had one other idea that I absolutely adore.

The seedbomb is is a bomb that is intended to be dropped by a plane in barren areas in order to promote vegetation. The bomb comes apart when it leaves the plane and exposes several capsules contained within. These capsules are made of biodegradable material and within each one is soil packed with moisture and nutrients and, of course, a seed. The seed grows within the capsule to protect it from potentially harsh environment surrounding it. Once big enough, the capsule itself will have melted away and the plant will be big enough to grow on its own.

What an absolutely amazing idea! Instead of bombs being used to kill people, an offer of peace and resurrection to war-devastated regions. Encouraging growth rather than fostering hatred.
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