in search of the sasha wolf

Sunday, May 25, 2008

MUTA by BluBlu

I was reading some article about a nest-like apartment in Rotterdam (which kinda reminded me of one of the rooms I saw as part of Come Up To My Room) when I came across a link to an animated film by BluBlu. Now I have no idea who the guy behind blublu is (maybe I just haven't looked hard enough) but the animation is very strange, sometimes disturbing, but completely amazing when considering the time, effort, and planning involved with somehting link this. There are many other interesting sketches that are worth looking at too at

MUTO a wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo.

Largest and Most Complicated Self-Portrait

Erik Nordenankar is an artist from Stockholm, Sweden. One day he decided that he wanted to do a self portrait of himself. Using one continuous line to draw on a map, he figured out a path through the many cities of the world that would resemble an image of himself. He then took a briefcase with a GPS device, set up a list complicated routes that the briefcase would follow and sent it off to DHL. When the package returned he loaded all the information stored by the GPS device inside onto his computer. A very fun idea.

Check out more details of the project at the site here.